Create A Live Entity

To start live streaming, you need to create an Live Entity object. Once the request is received, Uiza will allocate resources to serve your live stream.



Request Body

    "id": "b7f02d48-d0ec-4c34-86d1-247a38eda4e1",
    "name": "Test event with encoding",
    "description": "Event for Test",
    "ingest": null,
    "playback": null,
    "relay": [
            "url": "rtmp://",
            "key": "Abco1",
            "name": "Youtube 1"
    "region": "in-bangalore-1",
    "status": "init",
    "dvr": false,
    "encode": true,
    "preset": {
        "id": "9432fa62-5988-11ea-883b-028fc5698662",
        "name": "Uiza LIVE 720p",
        "description": "",
        "is_default": true,
        "profiles": [
                "id": "85844e8b-6281-11ea-883b-028fc5698662",
                "name": "720p H264 30fps Normal Latency",
                "segment_duration": 4,
                "orientation": "landscape",
                "video_profile": {
                    "video_resolution": "720",
                    "video_codec": "H264",
                    "video_bitrate": "2000K",
                    "video_frame_rate": "30"
                "audio_profile": {
                    "audio_channel": "2",
                    "audio_codec": "AAC",
                    "audio_bitrate": "128K",
                    "audio_frame_rate": "1"
        "created_at": "2020-02-27T17:42:52Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-02-29T16:47:34Z"
    "created_at": "2020-03-23T07:22:34Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-03-23T07:22:34Z"
[Live entity without encoding] Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: uap-c1ffbff4db954ddcb050c6af0b43ba56-41193b64' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Test event with encoding",
    "region": "in-bangalore-1",
    "description": "Event for Test",
    "encode": false,
    "relay": [
            "url": "rtmp://",
            "key": "Abco1",
            "name": "Youtube 1"
[Live entity with encoding] Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: uap-c1ffbff4db954ddcb050c6af0b43ba56-41193b64' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Test event with encoding",
    "region": "in-bangalore-1",
    "description": "Event for Test",
    "encode": true,
    "preset_id": "9432fa62-5988-11ea-883b-028fc5698662",
    "relay": [
            "url": "rtmp://",
            "key": "Abco1"

Defining your region helps Uiza allocate the resources that are closest to your streamers' locations. This will minimize the risks of network issues. While we are adding more and more regions to our network, here are the currently available regions.

in-bangalore-1 (Bangalore - India)

in-mumbai-1 (Mumbai - India)

sg-singapore-1 (Singapore - Singapore)

vn-saigon-1 (Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam)

Last updated