Live Entities

A live_entity contains the information required for Uiza to successfully allocate resources to power the live_entity's live broadcasting sessions. You can reuse a live_entity and broadcast multiple live sessions sequentially.

The API allows you to create, delete, and update a live_entity. The list of your all live entities or any individual live_entity can also be retrieved via Live Entity APIs.

The live entity object


id string

The unique identifier for the live entity.

name string

The name of your live entity. (limit 100 characters)

description string

Describes the content of the live entity. Often useful for displaying to viewers. You could update this accordingly to suit different sessions of a single live entity.

ingest object

Contains the information required to access to Uiza's ingest servers. Use the key and url to configure your broadcasting software.

playback object

Contains the playback URL for different streaming protocols including HLS fMP4 (hls) and MPEG-dash (mpd). Use this URL to configure your player to play the live stream.

region string

The geographical region where your live streams are broadcasted from. In case your region is not yet supported, try the nearest available one. Here are the regions that Uiza currently supports:

in-bangalore-1 Bangalore, India.

in-mumbai-1 Mumbai, India.

sg-singapore-1 Singapore

status string

Once the request to create a live_entity is received, Uiza will allocate resources in the requested region. While the process may take up to 1 minute, the status of the live_entity is init. This will be updated to ready once resources are successfully allocated and to broadcasting during a broadcasting session.

dvr bool

Indicates whether Digital Video Record (DVR) is enabled for the live_entity. Set to true to enable and to false to disable this feature.

relay array

A list of ingesting object contains the information required to access to 3rd ingest servers. Use the key and url to configure your broadcasting destination. Uiza will relay your signal to our server to list of ingest servers in relay array.

created_at string

The timestamp at which the live_entity is created. This value follows the ISO 8601 standard.

updated_at string

The timestamp at which the most recent update to the live_entity occurred. This value follows the ISO 8601 standard.

Last updated

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