Release Notes

Release Notes is our update that we share with you our new features, improvements or why we change the API to serve you better so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.


Track your encoding minutes!

You can now see how many minutes you have encoded using Uiza. For more details on how we calculate your encoding minutes, go to this link

Your total encoding minutes can be seen in the billing page

Uiza's Player for better viewer experience

Integrate Uiza's player into your website for optimal playback. Our player supports ABR, playback speed, and playback in a smaller window.


Behold! DVR

You can now rewatch your live stream with DVR. We record your live stream and convert it to a video entity, and your users can watch your live stream recording if they missed it.

The DVR is created instantly while you stream

Broadcast your moment to multiple destinations simultaneously

Using our Relay Destination feature, you can broadcast your live stream to multiple social networks (Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, etc) or RTMP endpoint simultaneously. Update your fans on all platforms and let us handle the signal!

Broadcasting the signal to Youtube

Give your end user the best experience with ABR

You can create up to 6 video profile outputs (Business Tier) with your stream, to cater towards different networks and mobile devices. Your viewer can choose different resolutions, or our Uiza player will recognize the most fitting profile depending on your user's bandwidth, and adjust their bitrate accordingly.

Create your Preset and add your profiles
Choose your Video Resolution on playback

Last updated