Release Notes

Release Notes is our update that we share with you our new features, improvements or why we change the API to serve you better so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.


Auto load-balancing

We now change the ingest point to use the 8099 port, which supports auto-choose a server to serve your stream with the best performance.

Note that all the current ingest points have no port on the ingest URL (use port 1935 as default), so before we upgrade the system, please help us to integrate with the changes, so your application can work perfectly without any issues.

Integration: there are 2 options to do 💪

1. Uiza sends the new ingest info to the webhook endpoint: we will send the data to your webhook endpoint - send all the new ingest to the live_entities.updated event. We can also provide the API to trigger it manually for your testing.

Sample webhook data:

Event type
Data (ingest.url)


    "id": "22013d8a-d5fa-48f0-9a63-1f471ca9e81d",
    "name": "Demo app 1",
    "description": "Demo application for documentation",
    "dvr": true,
    "encoding_template": "hd",
    "ingest": {
      "url": "rtmp://",
      "key": "live_TB62vHgxSY"
    "playback": {
      "hls": "",
      "dash": ""
    "region": "in-mumbai-1",
    "relay": [],
    "status": "ready",
    "created_at": "2020-03-10T03:20:37.202Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-03-10T03:20:37.202Z"

2. The customer update all the ingest endpoint with port 8099, for example, rtmp:// -> rtmp:// Please contact us for more information.

Live entity data changes:

Live entity object





Rewatch the last 30 minutes of a live stream!

We have built a Timeshift feature for maximum viewer experience. When you use an Uiza Player SDK, your viewer can switch between watching a live video and rewinding upto 30minutes with our Timeshift feature.

Reduced Latency

We have reduced the HLS Playback latency by up to 50%!

Webhooks: performance and scalability improvements

We know that webhook is one of the most important features for the integration with Uiza APIs. In this release, by the focus on improving the throughput of our webhooks service, Uiza provides you a faster and more reliable webhooks ever.

When your server responds to Uiza the bad status, an event now will be retried to send to your webhook endpoint every hour up to a day, instead of retry many times in minutes, which is too short for any action if your server has trouble.

Uiza node-kafka-client

There are several problems to solve while enhancing the performance of our services. In the case of message broker enhancement, we decided to release the library of Kafka client run on NodeJS on Github here. Which is a wrapper library of node-rdkafka with extended features, easy to control the workflow, please feel free to use or give us feedback to improve.


More regions for better performance and more global reach

We have added following regions for your users to use as ingestion points:

us-oregon-1 (Oregon - USA)

aus-sydney-1 (Sydney - Australia)

ie-dublin-1 (Dublin - Ireland)


Get notified when we cannot allocate resources for your entity

We try our best to power your broadcasting session by allocating the dedicated resource, returning an RTMP server to ingest and delivering your stream in seconds. Furthermore, we know your time is wasted when you create a live entity and the status init doesn't change.

So in this release, we added a new live entity status: resource_allocate_fail . When the allocating resources for an entity passes a threshold of time, we'll set the entity's status to resource_allocate_fail and delete it automatically after 15 minutes.

In case the entity status becomes resource_allocate_fail, disaster 🌋🌊 may occur it will not be counted on your usage data. You can create a new live entity afterwards.

Suspended accounts

Uiza's invoice day is 3rd day of the month, we process to charge your invoice until the 16th day of the month. If the next day we still not charge your invoice successfully, your account will be set to suspend and we prevent your interaction with our core services via API calls.

Support for MPEG-DASH Playback

Read more about MPEG-DASH here.


New region in Vietnam region is finally available!

Provide your users with improved connectivity through our new region. The new region is:vn-saigon-1

Added PATCH methods to modify objects

Instead of replacing your resource for a simple modification, you can now update the resource using the PATCH method. We will deprecate the PUT methods in the future.


Track your encoding minutes!

You can now see how many minutes you have encoded using Uiza. For more details on how we calculate your encoding minutes, go to this link

Uiza's Player for better viewer experience

Integrate Uiza's player into your website for optimal playback. Our player supports ABR, playback speed, and playback in a smaller window.


Behold! DVR

You can now rewatch your live stream with DVR. We record your live stream and convert it to a video entity, and your users can watch your live stream recording if they missed it.

Broadcast your moment to multiple destinations simultaneously

Using our Relay Destination feature, you can broadcast your live stream to multiple social networks (Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, etc) or RTMP endpoint simultaneously. Update your fans on all platforms and let us handle the signal!

Give your end user the best experience with ABR

You can create up to 6 video profile outputs (Business Tier) with your stream, to cater towards different networks and mobile devices. Your viewer can choose different resolutions, or our Uiza player will recognize the most fitting profile depending on your user's bandwidth, and adjust their bitrate accordingly.

Last updated

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