Java Live Streaming App
How to build your live streaming web app with Uiza’s API using React and Java
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How to build your live streaming web app with Uiza’s API using React and Java
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Uiza provides intuitive APIs, which simplifies the integration of live streaming functionality into your platform. This guide is a step-by-step tutorial on how to build your live streaming app with Uiza’s APIs. The web app will have two components: the broadcaster web app, to start a stream, and the viewer app, to list all broadcasts and playback the broadcast.
Sample code is provided below on how to build a simple web app to call on Uiza’s API. The language used for web app is Javascript.
To understand the flow of the this tutorial, following terminologies are explained by the graph below.
During this documentation, broadcast, live streaming and streaming will be usede interchangeably.
To have a live streaming app, we have to distinguish between a broadcaster and a viewer. A broadcaster streams the live stream and a viewer watches the live stream - this is a one way interaction channel, hence we have to build 2 separate pages: a broadcasting page and a viewer page. Tha broadcaster needs to start a broadcast through a stream URL and key, while the viewer sees the active live streams and can watch them through the web app.
To start a broadcast with Uiza Java App, we will need to configure stream_url and stream_key in application propeties file.
We need an API key to access Uiza's services. To get your API key, create an account at Uiza here: Sign Up Link. Once you are in the developer console, you will see your API key. Configured your API key and URL in application properties as below.
We have created Java because we can not pass API key through browser. If we pass API key through browser then anyone can stole our API key and use Uiza api. So using JAVA app, we are storing this API key in the JAVA property file and calling Uiza api from Java App.
Download the Java sample code at Github link
Go To Project Directory
Run below command
After step 2 finishes installation, go to target
directory inside the project.
Run the below command to run java application. Java application will run 8080 port.
In this guide, we will create three services using proper URIs and HTTP methods:
@GetMapping("/app/live/entities"): You can retrieve the live entities using request method Get and example uri /app/live/entities.
@GetMapping("/app/live/entities/{id}"): You can retrieve a specific live entity using request method Get and example uri /app/live/entities/1.
@PostMapping("/app/live/entities") : You can create a live entity by sending a POST request to URI /app/live/entities
Always use HTTP Methods. Best practices with respect to each HTTP method is described below:
: Should not update anything. Should be idempotent (same result in multiple calls). Possible Return Codes 200 (OK) + 404 (NOT FOUND) +400 (BAD REQUEST)
: Should create new resource. Ideally return JSON with link to newly created resource. Same return codes as get possible. In addition : Return code 201 (CREATED) is possible.
: Update a known resource. ex: update client details. Possible Return Codes : 200(OK)
: Used to delete a resource. - Rest controller exposing all the three service methods discussed above. - Business Logic for the application. - Launcher for the Spring Boot Application. To run the application, just launch this file as Java Application.
pom.xml - Contains all the dependencies needed to build this project. We will use Spring Boot Starter Web.
The Rest Service LiveEntityResource exposes couple of get services.
@Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate : We are using Spring Autowiring to wire the RestTemplate service into the LiveEntityResource. This rest template will use for call Uiza server api to get/create live entity. @Value("${application.uiza.url}") private String ulzaUrl : Use the uiza server url that we have configured in step1.
@PathVariable String id: Value of live entity id from the uri will be mapped to this parameter. package;
Executing the Get Service for retrieve all live Using Postman.
We will fire a request to http://localhost:8080/app/live/entities to test the service. Response is as shown below.
Executing the Get Service to retrieve live entity by id Using Postman
We will fire a request to http://localhost:8080/app/live/entities/2b970a39-874a-4d2a-be8a-fd445646d74c to test the service. Response is as shown below.
A POST Service should return a status of created (201) when the resource creation is successful.
@PostMapping("/app/live/entities"): Mapping a url for the POST Request @RequestBody LiveEntity liveEntity: Using Binding to bind the body of the request to LiveEntity object. responseEntity.getBody(): Return a status of created. Also return the location of created resource as a Response Header.
Executing a POST Rest Service
Example Request is shown below. It contains all the details to create a live entity.
Example Response is shown below. It contains all the details that has been created for live entity.
Suppose if we have to add new field in live entity then we have to do as below example.
For example, If we have to add new field(abc) in live entity then we have to do below modification in
To build a broadcast web app, we start with creating a new react web application.
Let us create a brand new application.
Open terminal / command prompt and execute the below lines to create a starter app:
To build a broadcast web app, we start with creating a new react web application. Let us create a brand new application. Open terminal / command prompt and execute the below lines to create a starter app:
npx create-react-app uiza
cd uiza
npm start
To start a broadcast with Uiza we will need to do two things:
Create a live entity in Uiza servers.
Get the stream_url and stream_key for this entity.
To increase the readability of this tutorial, we use the Axios library to send requests to the Uiza server. Install Axios with the following command:
`npm install axios`
To play the video stream we will need a player control. Install react-player with the following command:
`npm install react-player`
Open the `App.js` file in the `src` directory.
Import react, router, react video player and css file.
We need an JAVA API to access Uiza's services.
Then we import axios to send get and post requests:
We divide the app into two parts:
Broadcast Page: Will contain the functionality to create a new broadcast.
View Page: This will display all broadcasts currently in the system, with online broadcasts as a green tile and offline broadcasts as an orange-red.
Let us start with the broadcast page design.
We use application-wide states that can be displayed in the application, and manipulated at run-time. As you can see, we can set default values with states. Our default region value is in-bangalore-1
We define this function as start_broadcast
. We clear the states and set the message state to fetching
. Then we start loading the information.
Now we set the parameters, so that we can make the create entity
call. The below structure contains all the information of the HTTP request that we pass to Axios. As you can see, we make use of the region_value
state to set the region to a supported value.
Now let's create the polling call structure so that we don't end up creating the same structure from the loop. As you can see it will be a GET
request. Authorization header will expect your API key.
We make a POST
request to create an entity.
The call returns the entity id
in the response.
method takes the entity id
and returns the broadcast information (including the stream URL and key).
To get the stream URL and key, the entity has to be in a ready
state. We use setInterval to poll the API every 3 seconds to check the status of the entity using
The initial status of an entity is init
. When the server is ready with a stream URL and key, the status becomes ready
If the status is notready
yet, we continue polling and the current state of message
will be set to Polling
Once the status is ready
we can extract url
and key
from the response.
self.setState({ message: 'Polling' + '.'.repeat(1 + counter%3) });
The above code creates a nice text animation so that we know the program is not stuck and is working.
We build a very simple user interface. The front page will have a drop-down menu to select the region_value
. This drop-down contains the following regions (you can find the available regions here: Regions):
We create a Start broadcast
button to call the start_broadcast
function. The three lines below are important. They leverage the state value to display current states.
The first line displays the messages from the program's status: Fetching
, Polling
The second line contains the stream URL (i.e. stream_url
The third line contains the key for the stream key (i.e stream_key
The view page contains tiles that correspond to available streams. Green tiles are online entities and red tiles are offline entities.
The following load_alive_streams
function loads the streams. Available streams are loaded and saved to state
so that they update automatically.
We create a dynamic list of VideoTiles, and populate it on every render(). We use a 5-second interval between each render, to not overdo it. Then we access the details from the properties of the Video at the time of creation. We use the properties to pass values to the inner components of the tile and make it look functional.
For example: {this.props._url}
accesses the _url
parameter from <VideoTile>
The same approach is used for the key and the playback URL.
The tile has to be clickable and take the viewer to the live stream. For that, we make use of routing in our application and send the user to a page with video playback url. The playback page is dynamically generated and plays the video.
The above line sends the user to an href
link which is understood by the router later. The regex removes the protocol from the URL (i.e http / https)
Following code shows the VideoTile component:
As mentioned above, requests are only made every 5-seconds. We attach the parameters to the VideoTile element. After putting it all together:
Now we have the video tiles ready but what do we show when this tile is clicked? This clever little view code launches the player on screen. We launched the player on the screen when the tile is clicked with the following code:
We make use of the Router
component in react to create pagination in our app. We will have the link to broadcast and view page
To enable pagination in the app, we need to make use of react's routing. Following code does the routing:
The streams are loaded when we click on the viewer with the below line. Following line loads the streams on click: <Link to="/viewer" onClick={ViewerPage.load_alive_streams}>Viewer Page</Link>
The routing path below with *
wildcard enables video stream url to be parsed with /
and to be sent to the video page. Otherwise, the videoid is split at the first occurence of /
That's all wasn't that fun? If you have any questions please check out our Github repo where this entire project has been uploaded with the Java source code here and the Javascript source code here. If you have any other questions please contact us here:
Following screenshot shows the structure of the project we have created. A few details: