Retrieve A Video Entity

Retrieves the details of an existing video entity. The entity’s id that was returned upon entity creation is required for identifying the exact video entity to be retrieved.



Path Parameters

 "id": "f42b4ac3-869e-4010-8e21-042e40be7655",
 "name": "Sample Demo-Video",
 "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis odio oratio scripserit ut",
 "short_description": "Duo ad graeci principes, legimus mnesarchum scribentur ut pro",
 "view": 1000,
 "poster": "Lorem ipsum dolor",
 "thumbnail": "Lorem ipsum dolor",
 "type": "VOD",
 "duration": 11213,
 "publish_to_cdn": "queue",
 "created_at": "2019-12-11T02:47:04Z",
 "updated_at": "2019-12-11T02:47:04Z"
Sample Request
curl -X GET 
     -H 'Authorization: uap-c1ffbff4db954ddcb050c6af0b43ba56-41193b64' 

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