Video Entities

A video_entity is created every time a video is uploaded to Uiza via a URL which redirects Uiza to your video storage to retrieve the video file. This URL could be either a direct HTTP/HTTPS link or a URL that leads to your FTP or S3 storage.

Once the video has been successfully retrieved, Uiza transcodes the file into several renditions that have different resolutions and are compatible to different streaming protocol such as HLS, fMP4... These renditions are made available to your viewers by you publishing them to Uiza's Content Delivery Network (CDN) via Uiza APIs.

The APIs allow you to create, delete, publish, update the information of the video_entities and retrieve your entities individually or collectively.

The video entity object


id string

The unique identifier for the video entity.

name string

The name of your video entity.

description string

Describes the content of the video entity. Often useful for displaying to viewers.

input_url string

The source file URL of the video entity.

encoding_template string

Specify the template that our ingest server will process your stream source, from SD to Full-HD for the output singal. There are 4 values that Uiza currently support:

none We keep the output stream same as your source.

sd The output contains 1 video profile with 480p resolution.

hd The output contains 2 video profile with 480p and 720p resolutions.

fhd The output contains 3 video profile with 480p, 720p, and 1080p resolutions.

status string

The status indicates whether your video entity had been published to Uiza's CDN or not. There are 4 possible statuses:

processing is returned when your video entity is in the queue to be published.

ready is returned when your video entity has been successfully published and your viewers are able to watch the video.

error is returned when something goes wrong during the publishing process of your video entity.

playback object

Contains the playback URL for different streaming protocols including HLS fMP4 (hls), and MPEG-dash (dash). Use this URL to configure your player to play the video.

created_at string

The timestamp, at which the video_entity is created, follows the ISO 8601 standard.

updated_at string

The timestamp, at which the most recent update to the video_entity occurred, follows the ISO 8601 standard.

Last updated